Our Education Pillars are

  • Primary School
  • Secondary School
  • Third Level

We believe that every education setting should be a health-promoting location for learning and working. 

Maintaining high levels of cleanliness  is essential to limit disease/ illness in these settings. And thus,  enhanced cleaning in addition to  extra hygiene measures from students/staff is vital.

Supporting this sector, we partner with education providers in creating a clean and hygienic environment for students and staff alike –  by offering the latest technology, products and training . From sustainable product lines, access to children’s online applications, to usage reports and data analytics – we have every angle covered!

Hygiene Zones / Products

  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE
  • Masks
  • Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser

Equipment /Chemicals – to suit all floor surface types

  • Stairs
  • Hallways
  • Classroom Floors
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Washroom
  • Kitchen
  • Entry Ways
  • Escalators
  • Lifts 
  • Mat Service Solution


  • Dishwashing Systems
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Catering Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Hand Towels
  • Bin Products
  • Floor Care – Equipment + Consumables
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Detergents & Sanitisers
  • Facial Tissue
  • Floorcare – Mops /Brushes/Buckets
  • Hand Hygiene & Skin Care
  • Paper Products – Hand Towel
  • Toilet Products
  • Equipment/ Dispensers
  • Service – Feminine Hygiene Solution
  • Service – Nappy Bin Solution
  • Aircare
  • Dispensers
  • Sanitary Bin
  • Nappy Bin 
  • Stock Management

Facilities Management

Facilities Management Pillars

  • Full Service – FM
  • Cleaning -FM
  • Commercial Office (s)


  • Staff Costs – We can eliminate staff time spent on dilution, changing products, training, ordering and delivery management
  • Cost/ Time – Adopting online flexible service models enables us to pass on significant cost savings
  • Efficiency  Delivery /Ordering – Our supply chain and logistics are best in class.
  •  Risk – We can help minimize your exposure to litigation. 
  • Compliance – our products meet regulatory requirements. In addition our portfolio of resources Online Training/  Advisory service helps customers to remain compliant.

Hygiene Zones / Products

  • Detergents
  • Adhesives
  • Specialised Cleaners
  • Consumables
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE

Equipment /Chemicals – to suit all floor surface types

  • Stairs
  • Hallways
  • Classroom Floors
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Washroom
  • Kitchen
  • Entry Ways
  • Escalators
  • Lifts 
  • Mat Service Solution
    • Napkins
    • Cups
    •  Cuttlery
    • Table Runners
    • Table Slip Covers
    • Coasters
    • Placemats
    • Dispensers
  • Dishwashing Systems
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Catering Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Hand Towels
  • Bin Products
  • Floorcare – Equipment + Consumables
  • Dosing Systems
  • Chemicals
  • Environmental Range
  • Service – Stock Management
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE
  • Masks
  • Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Hand Lotion
  • Toiletries
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Detergents & Sanitisers
  • Facial Tissue
  • Floorcare – Mops /Brushes/Buckets
  • Hand Hygiene & Skin Care
  • Paper Products – Hand Towel
  • Toilet Products
  • Equipment/ Dispensers
  • Service – Feminine Hygiene Solution
  • Service – Nappy Bin Solution
  • Aircare
  • Sanitary Bin
  • Nappy Bin
  • Stock Management
  • Floor Mat 
  • Risk Assessment
  • Audit
  • Dispensers
  • Training


Our Healthcare Pillars are

  • Hospitals – Public & Private
  • Hospice 
  • Nursing Homes
  • Healthcare Practice (s)
  • Assisted & Independent Living
Western Hygiene believe that good healthcare starts with good hygiene. To this end, we actively partner with hospitals, nursing homes , GP’s and a cross section of other healthcare providers , to maintain and improve quality of care (ultimately contributing to patient safety). Enabling this, we offer products, solutions, training, insights, recommendations and innovations specifically designed for the healthcare sector. 

Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI’s) – Annually, millions of patients worldwide are affected by HAI’s, leading to potentially life-threatening complications. The World Health Organisation have stated that the most effective way to combat HAI’s is by practicing hand hygiene. Yet ensuring hand hygiene compliance among staff is challenging; and so Western Hygiene support customers by promoting good hygiene in practice (amongst staff) and increasing awareness as often required.
Risk assessments – We identify risk areas and up-skill staff about preventive actions, to minimize the risk for spread of infections. 

Data Driven Cleaning – Western Hygiene has a range of solutions to fit the needs of its clients, inclusive of a dynamic  product which allows customers to track product usage , allocate tasks to staff, set KPI’s, statistical analysis and much, much more!

Hygiene Zones / Products

  • Detergents
  • Adhesives
  • Specialised Cleaners
  • Consumables
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Dispensers
  • Sanitiser
  • Soap
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • PPE
  • Toiletries

Equipment /Chemicals – to suit all floor surface types

  • Stairs
  • Hallways
  • Classroom Floors
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Washroom
  • Kitchen
  • Entry Ways
  • Escalators
  • Lifts 
  • Mat Service Solution
  • Dishwashing Systems
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Catering Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Hand Towels
  • Bin Products
  • Floorcare – Equipment + Consumables
  • Dosing Systems
  • Chemicals
  • Environmental Range
  • Service – Stock Management
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE
  • Masks
  • Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Hand Lotion
  • Toiletries
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Detergents & Sanitisers
  • Facial Tissue
  • Floorcare – Mops /Brushes/Buckets
  • Hand Hygiene & Skin Care
  • Paper Products – Hand Towel
  • Toilet Products
  • Equipment/ Dispensers
  • Service – Feminine Hygiene Solution
  • Service – Nappy Bin Solution
  • Aircare
  • Sanitary Bin
  • Nappy Bin
  • Stock Management
  • Floor Mat 
  • Risk Assessment
  • Audit
  • Dispensers
  • Training


Our Hospitality Pillars are

  • Hotels
  • Restuarants
  • Gastro Pubs
  • Pubs
  • Cafe

We believe that ‘trust’ is an integral part of the hospitality industry – trust with respect to food preparation, laundry, environmental hygiene, kitchen and personnel hygiene.  

We know that now (more than ever) hospitality must instill this trust among customers and we are here to help!  We support the hospitality industry as  patrons demand  environments in which they feel everyone is looked after – guests and staff alike.  

Western Hygiene has over 30 years of experience, supporting the hospitality industry in many hygiene disciplines. – from best cost in use to handy tips (such as including your hygiene procedures in room packs/menus).  

Our customers can use us as a resource and sounding board for all their hygiene needs!

Hygiene Zones / Products

  • Detergents
  • Adhesives
  • Specialised Cleaners
  • Consumables
  • Napkins
  • Cups
  •  Cuttlery
  • Table Runners
  • Table Slip Covers
  • Coasters
  • Placemats
  • Dispensers
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • Dispensers
  • PPE
  • Floor Mat Solution
  • Floorcare – Equipment /Chemicals
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE

Equipment /Chemicals – to suit all floor surface types

  • Stairs
  • Hallways
  • Classroom Floors
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Washroom
  • Kitchen
  • Entry Ways
  • Escalators
  • Lifts 
  • Mat Service Solution
  • Dishwashing Systems
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Catering Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Hand Towels
  • Bin Products
  • Floorcare – Equipment + Consumables
  • Dosing Systems
  • Chemicals
  • Environmental Range
  • Service – Stock Management
  • Masks
  • Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Hand Lotion
  • Toiletries
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Detergents & Sanitisers
  • Facial Tissue
  • Floorcare – Mops /Brushes/Buckets
  • Hand Hygiene & Skin Care
  • Paper Products – Hand Towel
  • Toilet Products
  • Equipment/ Dispensers
  • Service – Feminine Hygiene Solution
  • Service – Nappy Bin Solution
  • Aircare
  • Sanitary Bin
  • Nappy Bin
  • Stock Management
  • Floor Mat 
  • Risk Assessment
  • Audit
  • Dispensers
  • Training

Our OGP Pillars are

  • Government Departments
  • Public Education 
  • Gardai
  • Irish Prison Service
  • Defence Forces
  • Religious Institutions

Western Hygiene is on the  OGP framework as a supplier – providing   public service bodies with a cross section of hygiene products .

Please see our OGP catalogue for further information

Hygiene Zones / Products

  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE

Equipment /Chemicals – to suit all floor surface types

  • Stairs
  • Hallways
  • Classroom Floors
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Washroom
  • Kitchen
  • Entry Ways
  • Escalators
  • Lifts 
  • Mat Service Solution
  • Dishwashing Systems
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Catering Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Hand Towels
  • Bin Products
  • Floorcare – Equipment + Consumables
  • Dosing Systems
  • Chemicals
  • Environmental Range
  • Service – Stock Management
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE
  • Masks
  • Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Hand Lotion
  • Toiletries
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Detergents & Sanitisers
  • Facial Tissue
  • Floorcare – Mops /Brushes/Buckets
  • Hand Hygiene & Skin Care
  • Paper Products – Hand Towel
  • Toilet Products
  • Equipment/ Dispensers
  • Service – Feminine Hygiene Solution
  • Service – Nappy Bin Solution
  • Aircare
  • Sanitary Bin
  • Nappy Bin
  • Stock Management
  • Floor Mat 
  • Risk Assessment
  • Audit
  • Dispensers
  • Training

Our Manufacturing /Production  Pillars are

  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Food 
  • Medical Devices
  • Mechanical 
  •  Transport & Logistics

Staff Costs – We can eliminate staff time spent on dilution, changing products, training, ordering and delivery management

Cost/ Time – Adopting online flexible service models enables us to pass on significant cost savings

Efficiency  Delivery /Ordering – Our supply chain and logistics are best in class.

 Risk – We can help minimize your exposure to litigation. 

Compliance – our products meet regulatory requirements. In addition our portfolio of resources Online Training/  Advisory service helps customers to remain compliant.

Hygiene Zones / Products


  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE
  • Detergents
  • Adhesives
  • Specialised Cleaners
  • Consumables

Equipment /Chemicals – to suit all floor surface types

  • Stairs
  • Hallways
  • Classroom Floors
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Washroom
  • Kitchen
  • Entry Ways
  • Escalators
  • Lifts 
  • Mat Service Solution
  • Dishwashing Systems
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Catering Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Hand Towels
  • Bin Products
  • Floorcare – Equipment + Consumables
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE
  • Masks
  • Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Hand Lotion
  • Toiletries
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Detergents & Sanitisers
  • Facial Tissue
  • Floorcare – Mops /Brushes/Buckets
  • Hand Hygiene & Skin Care
  • Paper Products – Hand Towel
  • Toilet Products
  • Equipment/ Dispensers
  • Service – Feminine Hygiene Solution
  • Service – Nappy Bin Solution
  • Aircare
  • Sanitary Bin
  • Nappy Bin
  • Stock Management
  • Floor Mat 
  • Risk Assessment
  • Audit
  • Dispensers
  • Training

Our Retail pillars are

  • Supermarkets
  • Shop – Food
  • Shop – Goods
  • Petrol Station
  • Shopping Centres

Staff Costs – We can eliminate staff time spent on dilution, changing products, training, ordering and delivery management

Cost/ Time – Adopting online flexible service models enables us to pass on significant cost savings

Efficiency  Delivery /Ordering – Our supply chain and logistics are best in class.

 Risk – We can help minimize your exposure to litigation. 

Compliance – our products meet regulatory requirements. In addition our portfolio of resources Online Training/  Advisory service helps customers to remain compliant.

Hygiene Zones / Products

  • Detergents
  • Adhesives
  • Specialised Cleaners
  • Consumables
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • Dispensers
  • PPE
  • Floor Mat Solution
  • Floorcare – Equipment /Chemicals

Equipment /Chemicals – to suit all floor surface types

  • Stairs
  • Hallways
  • Classroom Floors
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Washroom
  • Kitchen
  • Entry Ways
  • Escalators
  • Lifts 
  • Mat Service Solution
  • Dishwashing Systems
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Catering Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Hand Towels
  • Bin Products
  • Floorcare – Equipment + Consumables
  • Napkins
  • Cups
  •  Cuttlery
  • Table Runners
  • Table Slip Covers
  • Coasters
  • Placemats
  • Dispensers
  • Masks
  • Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Hand Lotion
  • Toiletries
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Detergents & Sanitisers
  • Facial Tissue
  • Floorcare – Mops /Brushes/Buckets
  • Hand Hygiene & Skin Care
  • Paper Products – Hand Towel
  • Toilet Products
  • Equipment/ Dispensers
  • Service – Feminine Hygiene Solution
  • Service – Nappy Bin Solution
  • Aircare
  • Sanitary Bin
  • Nappy Bin
  • Stock Management
  • Floor Mat 
  • Risk Assessment
  • Audit
  • Dispensers
  • Training

Our Fitness & Well-Being Pillars are

  • Gym
  • Beauty Salons & Hairdressers
  • Retreats

Staff Costs – We can eliminate staff time spent on dilution, changing products, training, ordering and delivery management

Cost/ Time – Adopting online flexible service models enables us to pass on significant cost savings

Efficiency  Delivery /Ordering – Our supply chain and logistics are best in class.

 Risk – We can help minimize your exposure to litigation. 

Compliance – our products meet regulatory requirements. In addition our portfolio of resources Online Training/  Advisory service helps customers to remain compliant.

Hygiene Zones / Products


  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE

Equipment /Chemicals – to suit all floor surface types

  • Stairs
  • Hallways
  • Classroom Floors
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Washroom
  • Kitchen
  • Entry Ways
  • Escalators
  • Lifts 
  • Mat Service Solution
  • Dishwashing Systems
  • Surface Cleaning
  • Catering Supplies
  • Consumables
  • Hand Towels
  • Bin Products
  • Floorcare – Equipment + Consumables
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Surface/Object Cleaning 
  • Specialist Cleaners – Ink Remover + Gum Remover
  • Sanitiser
  • PPE
  • Masks
  • Gloves
  • Hand Sanitiser
  • Hand Lotion
  • Toiletries
  • Aircare
  • Bin Products
  • Consumables
  • Detergents & Sanitisers
  • Facial Tissue
  • Floorcare – Mops /Brushes/Buckets
  • Hand Hygiene & Skin Care
  • Paper Products – Hand Towel
  • Toilet Products
  • Equipment/ Dispensers
  • Service – Feminine Hygiene Solution
  • Service – Nappy Bin Solution
  • Aircare
  • Sanitary Bin
  • Nappy Bin
  • Stock Management
  • Floor Mat 
  • Risk Assessment
  • Audit
  • Dispensers
  • Training
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